Celebrating Excellence: The Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award in Honor of Trudy Malone

The Montana Nurses Association (MNA) proudly presents the Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award, a prestigious recognition bestowed upon a nurse who exemplifies the highest standards of nursing practice and leadership. This award holds special significance as it honors the legacy of Trudy Malone, a remarkable nurse whose contributions to the field have left an indelible mark on healthcare in Montana.

Who Was Trudy Malone?

Trudy Malone was not just a nurse; she was a visionary leader, a compassionate caregiver, and a tireless advocate for patient rights and nursing excellence. Throughout her career, Trudy demonstrated an unwavering commitment to improving patient care and advancing the nursing profession. Her dedication, passion, and innovative spirit continue to inspire nurses across Montana and beyond.

Trudy was instrumental in developing patient-centered care models that are now standard practice in many healthcare facilities. Her approach focused on treating patients holistically, considering their physical, emotional, and social needs. As a respected educator, Trudy taught and mentored countless nursing students, shaping the future of nursing in Montana. She was known for her ability to inspire and challenge her students, instilling in them the same passion and dedication she carried.

A powerful advocate for nursing and healthcare reform, Trudy played a crucial role in lobbying for better working conditions for nurses, including fair wages, safe staffing levels, and professional development opportunities. Her efforts led to significant policy changes that improved the quality of care for patients and the working environment for nurses. Trudy was also deeply involved in community health initiatives, organizing and participating in numerous health fairs, vaccination drives, and educational workshops, making healthcare more accessible to underserved populations.

Over the course of her career, Trudy received numerous awards and accolades, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Montana Nurses Association and the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Healthcare. These honors reflect her outstanding contributions and the high regard in which she was held by her peers.

The Essence of the Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award

The Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award recognizes a nurse who mirrors the qualities that Trudy Malone embodied. This includes:

  1. Exemplary Patient Care: Providing exceptional, compassionate care that goes above and beyond the call of duty.
  2. Leadership and Mentorship: Demonstrating strong leadership skills and mentoring the next generation of nurses.
  3. Advocacy: Actively advocating for the rights and well-being of patients and the nursing profession.
  4. Innovation: Implementing innovative practices that improve patient outcomes and nursing practices.
  5. Community Involvement: Engaging in community service and contributing to the betterment of public health.

Honoring Trudy Malone’s Legacy

Trudy Malone’s influence extended far beyond the walls of any hospital or clinic. Her advocacy efforts led to significant policy changes that improved working conditions for nurses and healthcare access for patients. By naming this award after her, the Montana Nurses Association ensures that her legacy continues to inspire and guide future generations of nurses.

Call to Action: Nominate a Distinguished Nurse

Do you know a nurse who embodies the qualities of excellence, compassion, and leadership that Trudy Malone stood for? The Montana Nurses Association invites you to nominate an outstanding nurse for the Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award. This is your opportunity to recognize and honor the dedicated professionals who make a significant difference in the lives of their patients and in the nursing community.

To submit a nomination, visit the Montana Nurses Association website and complete the nomination form. Share stories and examples of how the nominee has demonstrated exemplary patient care, leadership, advocacy, innovation, and community involvement. Your nomination helps continue the legacy of Trudy Malone, inspiring and celebrating the exceptional contributions of nurses across Montana.

Register here: https://mtnurses.wufoo.com/forms/award-nomination-form/


  • Montana Nurses Association. (n.d.). Distinguished Nurse of the Year Award. Retrieved from MNA Official Website
  • Personal Interviews with Colleagues and Students of Trudy Malone (2023)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award Announcement, Montana Nurses Association (2020)
  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Healthcare, State of Montana (2018)