Category: APU Announcements/News

The Power of Nursing Voices: How Voting Can Transform Healthcare Policy

The Power of Nursing Voices: How Voting Can Transform Healthcare Policy

In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, nurses stand at the forefront of patient care, making critical decisions and advocating for the well-being of their patients. But beyond the walls of hospitals and clinics, nurses have an equally vital role to play in shaping healthcare policy through their votes. The article from the American Nurses Association (ANA) highlights the significant impact nurses can have on healthcare policy when they actively participate in the voting process.

Nurses, as the largest group of healthcare professionals, possess a unique and intimate understanding of the challenges and needs within the healthcare system. This firsthand experience positions them as powerful advocates for policies that prioritize patient care, improve working conditions, and advance public health. By casting their votes, nurses can influence the direction of healthcare reform, ensuring that policies reflect the realities of patient care and the expertise of those who deliver it.

The ANA emphasizes that when nurses vote, they help elect officials who understand and support the healthcare issues that matter most to them. Whether it’s advocating for better staffing ratios, increased funding for nursing education, or policies that address the social determinants of health, the collective voice of nurses can drive meaningful change. The ripple effect of these changes extends beyond the nursing profession, benefiting patients, communities, and the entire healthcare system.

Moreover, the article underscores the importance of nurses staying informed about healthcare policies and the positions of candidates on these issues. Understanding the potential impact of various policies enables nurses to make informed decisions that align with their professional values and the needs of their patients. This engagement not only empowers nurses but also strengthens the democratic process by ensuring that the voices of those on the front lines of healthcare are heard and respected.

In a time when healthcare is at the center of national debates, the participation of nurses in the voting process is more crucial than ever. By voting, nurses contribute to shaping a healthcare system that is equitable, effective, and responsive to the needs of all. Their votes have the power to transform policies, protect public health, and ultimately, improve the quality of care for patients across the nation.

As the ANA article poignantly reminds us, when nurses vote, healthcare policy changes for the better. It’s a powerful call to action for all nurses to recognize their influence and use it to advocate for the health and well-being of their patients and communities.

Source: American Nurses Association. (2024). “When Nurses Vote, Health Care Policy Changes for the Better.” Retrieved from

Provider Update Registration

We have our annual provider updates coming up on May 8, 2024, at the MNA office in MT City and May 15, 2024, virtually via Zoom. Both sessions will cover the same content to ensure consistent information for both our in-person and virtual learners. We do hope to welcome some of our outlying providers to Montana if you are able to make the trip! We do have the capacity to invoice organizations at large if you plan to send your entire department, or if several individuals from your department plan to attend. Click here to register!

Guidelines for Pharmacotherapeutic (Rx) Contact Hours

Guidelines for Pharmacotherapeutic (Rx) Contact Hours

Advanced practice nurses with prescriptive authority are required to obtain pharmacotherapeutic credit for a certain portion of their contact hours for certification renewal as well as for license renewal. The exact process varies a bit, depending on the certification body, but the general guidelines are the same. Please check with your state boards of nursing for licensure requirements related to prescriptive authority in your state and other certification body requirements, as needed.

Pharmacotherapy is that area of practice that is responsible for ensuring the safe, appropriate, and economical use of drugs in patient care.


Content eligible for meeting criteria for pharmacotherapeutic contact hours includes:

  1. Overview of the disease or disease process for which medication therapy is required (context for appropriate medication therapy)
  2. Scientific rationale or evidence-base of the use of medication therapy for a disease or disease process
  3. All content related to prescribing/recommending safe and appropriate use of medication therapy, including cost-effectiveness
  4. All content related to the safe administration of medication therapy, including but not limited to dosage, route, frequency, delivery devices, administration devices and similar
  5. All content related to monitoring of medication therapy
  6. All content related to possible side effects and/or adverse effects of medication therapy
  7. All content related to special considerations related to medication therapy
  8. All content related to adjunct therapy that may be used in conjunction with medication therapy

Additional guidelines:

  1. If a provider/applicant is developing content to meet the ANCC pharmacotherapeutic hour requirement, content must specifically address pharmacotherapeutics
  2. Pharmacotherapeutic content does not need to be presented by a nurse for the hours to be eligible for re-certification; however, the presenter must have content expertise in pharmacology
  3. When developing the content for an educational activity, it is recommended that the provider delineate the number of pharmacotherapeutic contact hours
  4. Existing continuing education courses/programs that include pharmacotherapeutic content may be reviewed to calculate the appropriate number of pharmacotherapeutic contact hours
  5. When a speaker develops content for an educational activity, it would be advised that pharmacotherapeutic contact hours contained within the presentation be calculated at that time

Pharmacotherapeutic content may include but is not limited to drug specific information, safe prescribing practices, safe medication administration, prescribing methodologies, new regulations or similar content.


Example: During planning, the nurse planner and planning committee make the decision to award pharmacotherapeutic hours in appropriate situations. It is helpful for an APRN with prescriptive authority participate on the planning committee to help determine the appropriate level of content for APRNs. The content would need to be related to prescribing considerations of the APRN. If a portion of the content relates to pharmacotherapeutics, the certificate would state, “5 contact hours, including 3 pharmacotherapeutic hours”.

2022 Criteria Spotlights

Every month in 2022, we’ll be taking some time during our monthly calls to spotlight a specific accreditation criterion (or pair of criteria).  We look forward to helping provide some insight and help answer some questions you may have.

The list of planned spotlights is: 

January – OO1/OO2
February – SC1
March – SC2/SC3
April – No monthly meeting-PU Workshop
May – EDP1/EDP2
June – EDP3
July – EDP5
August – EDP6
September – EDP7
October – QO1
November – QO2
December – QO3